
Considering everything we know about twin flames, sometimes the idea of them fighting and arguing seems… strange.

Yes, I know it can be confusing, but don’t worry. If you and your twin flame are fighting, it doesn’t mean they’re not your true mirror soul. It doesn’t mean something has gone wrong on your path together.

The intense bond and emotional energy between mirror souls allow the flow of emotional energy of every kind. While the love is intense, the fighting can be equally explosive.

Arguments can be difficult for any couple, especially for twin flames. With the high energy of such a connection, it is no surprise that tempers can flare up quickly. However, there are ways to overcome these twin flame arguments without letting them take over your spiritual journey together.

What are Twin Flame Arguments?

twin flames fighting

Twin flame arguments are intense and passionate disagreements between two people who have a deep spiritual connection. High energy, unresolved issues, or misunderstandings can cause them.

On the surface level (the 3D), they’re just like normal arguments. But the bond between you flows with so much emotional energy things can escalate quickly.

These arguments often occur when both individuals feel overwhelmed by the intensity of their bond and need to express themselves to release that tension. It is important to remember that these arguments do not necessarily mean the end of your relationship; they simply provide an opportunity for growth and understanding if handled correctly.

They don’t mean your journey has failed or something has gone wrong.

It might be an uncomfortable and triggering moment (for both of you), but it might just be you have something you need to focus on. Something that you’re both not quite ready for yet. An argument can help highlight these issues so you can work on them.

See these arguments as an opportunity. We will look at some ways you can help both of you navigate them however, and bring an end to any pattern of fighting.

How to Stop Arguing With Your Twin Flame

Arguing with your twin flame can be… challenging. That’s an understatement I know but first, we really need to understand what twin flame separation is and (more importantly) why we go through it.

Communication is essential when it comes to twin-flame arguments. This is true of any argument, but since your connection is both on the 3D and the 5D – things get a little more complicated. The easiest way to control the flow of emotions on the higher levels is to make conscious efforts to pay attention to the 3D.

Don’t Blame Them (Or Yourself)

When communicating with your twin flame, it’s important to express yourself kindly.

One of the biggest traps I see chasers fall into is blaming a twin flame runner for not seeing the obvious right in front of them.

But it’s obvious for you – not always for them.

It can be difficult to stay calm in the face of disagreement or hurt feelings, but taking a few moments to pause before responding is key. Instead of lashing out in anger, try expressing your feelings using ‘I’ statements that focus on your emotions rather than blaming the other person for them.

For example: ‘I feel frustrated when we don’t seem to be able to agree on this issue’ instead of ‘You always make me so angry.’

It’s also helpful to use language that shows empathy and compassion. Acknowledge their perspective even if you disagree with it by saying something like ‘I understand why you might think that way’ or ‘That makes sense.’

The path to union isn’t always simple. It doesn’t always play out as you’d expect early on. Be kind to yourself and them as you struggle through this process.

Be Respectful

Respect is the foundation of any healthy relationship, especially with a twin flame. When communicating with each other, be sure to speak kindly and avoid using hurtful language or insults.

I know emotions can run hot. You wouldn’t be the first twin flame couple to yell abuse at each other (if it happens), but part of maintaining that conscious control is paying attention to our words and actions. This will help create an environment where both parties feel safe enough to share their thoughts without fear of judgment or criticism.

Listen Actively

Active listening means more than just hearing what your partner has to say; it involves understanding their perspective and responding in a way that shows you have taken in what they said.

Bonus: We all think we’re good active listeners but it’s actually a rarer talent than you might think. One of the best ways I’ve found to work on it has been through meditation which has plenty of other benefits for furthering your path to union.

Ask questions if needed so that you can fully comprehend their viewpoint before responding yourself.

Stay Open-Minded

Having an open mind during conversations with your twin flame allows for better understanding since neither person feels they need to defend themselves from the other’s opinion or beliefs.

Remember! On the higher levels, both of you communicate more freely and openly than any other kind of connection. But earlier in your spiritual path, you might not be able to translate that into understanding in the 3D yet.

Remember that even though two people may not agree on everything, there can still be mutual respect and appreciation for one another’s views and opinions.

Identify Your Feelings

This isn’t as obvious as it might seem at first. Learning to truly identify your feelings and needs before they can begin working through them… takes practice.

It takes being open with yourself about your own faults and flaws. Not something any of us do easily. The twin flame journey often forces us to face uncomfortable truths to allow us to work through them.

Taking time to reflect on your emotions will help you better understand why you are feeling what you are feeling and how best to express those feelings without getting too emotional or defensive.

Focus On The Root Of The Problem

Rather than getting stuck arguing over small details, try focusing on what lies at the root of your disagreement – this could be anything from miscommunication due to a lack of understanding of each other’s perspectives.

Once you have identified the underlying cause, then it becomes easier to work together towards finding solutions that benefit everyone involved rather than just one individual party who may end up compromising something important just to postpone an argument in the short term.

Practice Self-Awareness & Self-Care

And I mean actively practice. It’s one thing to say you are – another to actually do it.

It’s important to stay grounded to focus on finding a solution together with your twin flame. Detachment is also helpful in gaining perspective on the situation at hand.

Practicing self-awareness means taking time for yourself during an argument or disagreement. This could mean stepping away from the conversation and giving yourself some space or even just taking a few deep breaths before responding.

Self-awareness can help you recognize when emotions are running high so that you can take a step back and think about how best to respond instead of reacting impulsively out of anger or frustration.

Self-care is also important when dealing with conflict between twin flames. Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually will help ensure you have the energy needed for healthy communication with your mirror soul.

Finally, remember that detachment is key when trying to resolve conflicts between twin flames; this doesn’t mean disconnecting completely but being able to observe what’s happening without getting too caught up in emotions like fear or anger, which might cloud judgment.

Being able to detach allows both partners involved in an argument time apart while still maintaining their connection – this helps create clarity around issues so that solutions become easier to find together.

Twin Flame Fights

Is it Normal for Twin Flames to Fight?

Yes, it is normal for twin flames to argue. Especially in the earlier stages of your spiritual path, but even later on – you won’t completely agree on everything.

Twin flame relationships are intense and passionate, so disagreements and arguments can arise. They share a level of connection that few will match.

However, these arguments should be seen as opportunities for growth and understanding rather than a sign of incompatibility or failure. Through honest communication and mutual respect, twin flames can learn from their differences and strengthen their bond even further.

Ultimately, arguing is an inevitable part of any relationship – including those between twin flames – but it doesn’t have to lead to discord if both parties approach the situation with love in mind.

Why Do I Keep Fighting With My Twin Flame?

The fight between twin flames is often rooted in fear of being vulnerable and opening up to each other.

There’s a reason we call it a mirror soul.

They’re mirroring your own faults back at you, and nobody likes that. But it’s important to learn from, to grow and to use this knowledge to prepare for union together.

It can be difficult to trust that your twin flame will accept you for who you are, so it’s natural to push them away or create a barrier between you two. However, this only serves as an obstacle on the path toward reunion.

The Important Bit

Twin flame arguments can be difficult to navigate, but with the right communication and self-awareness, they can become an opportunity for growth. Remember that arguments are a natural part of the twin flame journey.

By understanding how to communicate openly, express yourself kindly, focus on deeper issues and practice self-care you will be able to overcome any twin flame argument. With patience and understanding, you can find your way back together again.