I think the pursuit of bettering yourself and evolving spiritually is a lifelong pursuit – but figuring out how to reach twin flame union doesn’t have to be.
The journey through various stages of pain and hardship is there for a purpose, and we keep pointing to this as a reason that separation is okay.
And this is technically true. But that doesn’t mean we should just hope things turn out for the better.
Everyone has different opinions about this, but we also speak to people who take the twin flame test and see how their paths evolved. And I can say this for certain.
The ones who take ownership of their journey and actively work on it are the ones that we see reach twin flame union time and time again.
So we like to keep track of the advice they give and the things they practice. We also like to track the ways people sabotage themselves.
We’ve seen enough twin flame relationships fail to reach union to know that nothing is guaranteed in this lifetime. Twin flames are always destined to be together over multiple lifetimes, but our goal is to help you reach an actual physical union in this lifetime.
The fact that you’re even in this position and reading our words means you have a chance at something so incredibly unique and special.
How Twin Flames Sabotage Themselves
Not Understanding What This Really Is
This is probably the biggest one.
I don’t blame anyone for this. There’s a lot of miscommunication out there about twin flames, and beliefs sometimes differ between community members, but there are some universal truths we all agree on.
- They’re not a normal couple.
- You can’t put them in the same category as a soulmate. A soulmate is a great connection to have in your life. But it doesn’t compare to a twin flame.
- The twin flame path isn’t always an instant romance. It can go through hardships, but how we handle those stages will dictate what happens.
You don’t need to agree with others 100%, but it is important to know what a twin flame is. Understanding what you are will help you know what you should be doing.
Treating it Like a Normal Relationship
It’s one thing to truly accept what a twin flame is. It’s another to actually act on this information.
One of the things we see people do is they’ll treat their twin flame like a normal partner or crush. This is often how it starts because we’re not aware of the spiritual part of the journey. It might not seem harmful at first, but if we can’t adapt, we can’t see the relationship grow.
Often when we see people stuck in patterns of separation for longer periods, it is because they weren’t able to change their actions to align with what the journey truly requires.
Blaming Their Twin Flame
Another understandable one, but a big problem.
If your twin flame runner is less spiritually evolved, they might not be ready to understand the path they’re not. They might not accept the idea of twin flames, let alone that they are one.
We can’t blame them for this.
They are dealing with the world and the universe as they understand it. It’s not personal. They’re not trying to hurt you. However, when we start to twin flame blame games, it can hinder our spiritual progress. It can blind us to the fact that we need to do some work on ourselves too.
And that brings me to the final way twin flame sabotage themselves.
Not Doing the Work
Here’s the reality that nobody likes to hear.
If you’re not currently in union – it’s because neither of you is ready. It’s not just one person that has to do the work. It’s both of you.
Twin flames are mirror souls. They mirror each-others unreadiness, and they’ll mirror each-others progress. If you take ownership of your journey and make progress, they’ll do the same.
And this brings us to how you can actually further your journey. If you start doing this, you’ll see your own mirror soul start to work their way toward you (in their own way).
How to Reach Union
The twin flame path is endlessly unique, and I don’t think we could possibly cover every single option. But here are some key things you can do to speed up union. This is based on the 1000s of twin flame journeys we’ve seen over the years.
Tip: Always follow your own intuition here. If it guides you towards something different, then trust that voice.
Learn From Our Mistakes (Don’t Make Them)
Most of us struggled for years before reaching union. We didn’t have a community and advice online to help us navigate the journey. It just wasn’t a thing.
You can shortcut this.
Rather than making the same mistakes and taking years to reach union, shortcut your path by learning from our mistakes.
Whether you take our advice here, or through the forecasts and tests, you can learn from the mistakes we made and bypass them.
We’re seeing more and more people reach union faster simply because they can shortcut the journey and not waste the time we did.
Let Them Catch Up
This is probably the most important thing you can take away from all of this.
The challenges you face, the things that happen and how you’re meant to grow from them – it’s all part of your twin flame spiritual path.
It always sounds like a cliche if we say focus on you and not them. The kind of platitude that you skim past. But this is especially true for twin flames. And this is a message you need to actually act on.
You can’t control your twin flame, and you can’t make them change. You can only focus on your spiritual journey and let the universe do the rest. There are universal rules that bond each half of your soul together.
If you progress, they can’t help but do the same.
When you reach a certain level of spiritual growth and progress, union will naturally follow. It’s the twin flame’s destiny. So rather than chasing after them, focus on your own path. They’ll catch up.
If we can’t learn to see beyond this, then I don’t think anything else matters. If we continue to treat the journey like a normal 3D relationship, then it can never reach its full potential.
Your Physical Path
When I say physical, I don’t mean you need to hit the gym.
I’m referring to your physical 3D self here on Earth. So that might include your health and fitness, or it might be speaking about your professional life or anything you feel called to work on.
For some, this might be a sense of adventure and wanderlust to explore the world. Some might want to take on a lightworker role and help others see the beauty in the world.
Don’t neglect this side of yourself. Whatever you’re guided to do to be happier with your physical world, do it. You’re more adept than you know (which we’ll talk about in a moment).
Co-Create Your Reality
If you’re a twin flame, you are more powerful than you know.
You are the creator of your own reality. The universe actively wants you to reach union, and your ability to co-create through this unspoken connection gives you such immense power once you tap into it.
You can create and re-create every experience around you. Every person, every situation and nothing is left untouched. The good, the bad and everything in between.
Learn to take ownership. Take control. Don’t sit in the passenger seat of the universe.
Your Spiritual Path
Spiritual development can take many different forms.
The common ones we talk about as a community:
- It might be as simple as a walk in nature or journaling each day. There is no right or wrong here.
- Meditations (or twin flame-specific guided meditations).
- Working with the Tarot to gain insights (or let us do that for you).
- Yoga, Reiki or any kind of energy work to connect with your higher self and the universe as a whole.
The key is finding what works for you and nurturing that practice. Even if you don’t feel like you’re normally a spiritual person (I didn’t), you don’t need to do anything you’re not comfortable with. The more you flex this muscle, the easier your practice will become.
Taking Charge
If you don’t listen to anything else, please hear this.
The fact that you’re here is so incredibly rare. So incredibly unlikely. Don’t waste the opportunity the universe has presented for you because it wants you to succeed. No matter what seems to be going on with your journey, know that the universe is cheering for you.
If none of this is making any sense to you or you can’t see a way to further your path. Maybe a little insight and guidance are enough to unlock the next stage of your path.
Union might be closer than you think.