twin flame telepathy

We talk often about twin flame telepathy.

For those unfamiliar: twin flame telepathy is a physical manifestation of your unspoken connection. Their voice, thoughts, emotions or energy can show up to guide and empower you. No matter where you are physically.

But how can you tell what are your own thoughts and what are downloads from your twin flame?

Is it possible to feel a connection with someone you haven't met physically? I asked myself this very question when I started having mental conversations with my Twin Flame. Sometimes I would even feel like we were talking in our hearts, as if he was right here with me.

Twin Soul telepathy enables Twin Flames to hear each other's thoughts — no matter what else is going on. When you can telepathically communicate with someone, it's as if you're living in their mind. You know what they're thinking and feeling, so you can easily anticipate their needs. They can do the same for you.

Often, this communication happens without either of you meaning it. Later on (or with practice) you can start to do this more on command.

You can empathize with your Twin Flame's moods and feelings. You seem to know things that you never knew before. You share memories of each other through a spiritual connection.

You and your Twin Flame share the same energetic frequency, which is unique to the both of you in the entire universe. You're always tuned into each other's channels; it's like an old-fashioned radio that's always on.

Telling Your Thoughts from Theirs

If you try explaining this level of connection with a 'normal' person, they'll likely think you're mad.

I remember when I first began to hear my own twin flame and I thought these are just my thoughts about what he would/might say in this situation. It wasn't until I started to see validation in what I was receiving did I realize that these were not simply my thoughts, but rather his too.

I'd start to see his messages and social media reflect the thoughts that were showing up in my head. Once I started to spot the messages that were coming from them... it just became clearer and clearer.

It seems to be the same with any twin flames I speak to. First and foremost, you have to believe they aren’t your thoughts.

An easier way to spot this telepathy early on are thoughts that don't make sense.

Sometimes you'll wake up and have zero reason to be excited. It might be a Monday morning, faced with a long day in a job you hate. But your twin flames excitement for the day comes through and hits you like a train.

Sometimes you'll have waves of emotion just crash into you for no reason at all. This can be happiness, sadness and anything in between. Yes, including sexual emotion coming through out of nowhere (especially when they think of you that way).

By delving deep within yourself, you can locate the answers to any questions on your mind- even those involving your twin flame. When we talk about trusting your intuition on the twin flame journey, that also means tapping into the bond with them and allowing this voice to guide you.

You can also look out for some signs:

  • A message will be simple, clear and concise.
  • They won't fit into your current situation during the day.
  • A message might have their energy signature or 'flavor' to it.
  • If you try and second guess the message, your intuition will correct you.
  • You'll feel an overwhelming sense of love when you receive a message from them.

It can be difficult to untangle your thoughts from theirs at first, but with time and practice it does get easier.

When these messages happen, Slow your life down and ask them what they need from you, then send it. Take the time to carefully examine the thoughts and messages that come through.

If they don't make sense in your current reality, chances are they aren't yours. These communications can be trusted to guide you through your journey, plus it gives you a way to talk about communicate even during separation stages.

You can also send messages directly to your twin.

Chances are they will energetically feel what you send them but it can depend on how spiritually advanced they are. The type of energy you need could be healing, loving, or simply tranquil help during emotional stages.

You might have already experienced this kind of communication yourself.

This journey isn’t one that makes any sense in your mind so we have to trust our higher selves. Follow your intuition. My twin and I can often share thoughts because, as twins, we are two sides of the same coin. Two halves of the same soul.