
Does something seem off, but you can’t quite put your finger on it? Do you suspect this might be a karmic connection and not the real thing? These false twin flame signs can help you spot the telltale signs that it’s time to break the bond.

False twin flames are unfortunately all too common; knowing their signs can help save you from wasting time and distracting you from the journey with your real mirror soul.

If you’re really not sure what you’re dealing with, take the twin flame test.

Spotting the Signs

Important: Don’t see this as a checklist. The twin flame path is rarely that straightforward. On some level, your intuition already knows what you’re dealing with. Especially if you’re a true twin flame, these signs (some more common or obvious than others) can help you understand the true nature of the connection.

If you’re here, you’re at least struggling with doubt—a perfectly normal part of an entirely crazy path. But there’s also a chance you have a reason to think they are a false twin flame already.

Lack of Emotion or Intimacy Issues

False twin flames may seem like they understand you and make you feel comfortable, but this connection is usually superficial and lacks emotional intimacy.

You might find yourself talking about your feelings without getting any response or comfort from them. This lack of emotional support can leave you lonely and disconnected even when they are around.

In more extreme cases, they might even put a wedge between you and your existing friends and family to make you even more isolated.

Not a ‘Real’ Relationship

A false twin flame will often be unwilling to commit to a serious relationship or any kind of long-term commitment. They may keep you at arm’s length and avoid discussing the future, leaving you feeling confused and uncertain about their feelings for you.

signs of a false twin flame

Small Lies

Subconsciously, a false twin flame doesn’t want to risk making it ‘too obvious’ with big lies, but they’ll very often sprinkle conversations with small lies over meaningless things. they can seem like bizarre things to lie about, but it’s all part of keeping you at this arm’s distance.

Fading Feelings

The feelings felt towards one another aren’t unconditional or long-lasting; they tend to fade over time due to either side’s lack of commitment or effort. This isn’t always easy to spot, and many of us are conditioned to think this is how a relationship is supposed to be.

But this doesn’t happen with a real twin flame bond.

The False Twin Flame Quiz

We couldn’t really do a test for finding your twin flame without covering elements of a karmic connection, could we?

Stipulations on Love

False twin flames can also place conditions on love, such as expecting something in return for their affection or making demands that are difficult to meet. Everything will be transactional and (usually) uneven.

This can leave you feeling emotionally drained and unfulfilled in the relationship.


Another sign which is far easier to spot after the fact. It usually starts with small, minor things. The relationship isn’t based on mutual respect; instead, it relies heavily on manipulation tactics used by the karmic partner in order to get what they want out of the other.

In short spurts, they might sometimes give a little back to make it seem like this isn’t happening. You’ll often feel grateful for these small acts of kindness that are really just a trap.

Ghosting or Abrupt Leaving

False twin flames may suddenly disappear from your life without warning, leaving you with unanswered questions and unresolved issues between the two of you that never get addressed or resolved properly.

This generally doesn’t actually solve the problem the way you think it would. Without the chance to fully learn and move on from the connection, you’re less likely to break the karmic cycle and move on from false twin flames.

false twin flame sign


There is no growth within or without the relationship; both partners remain stagnant while your needs go unmet.

real twin flame connection will propel both of you forward and bring change into every aspect of your lives. You’ll drive each other and everyone you’re in touch with.

Something Feels Off

You may have an underlying sense that something is not quite right with this person but cannot put your finger on it exactly – they might seem too good to be true early on (likely because of these small lies) or their behavior is just erratic.

Twin flames are very attuned to their higher selves allowing their intuition to be spot on. With a false twin flame, it screams that there is just something off about them which makes it hard for you to trust them completely or feel secure in the relationship.

Constant Communication Issues

Communication issues arise quickly due to misunderstanding or miscommunication. Tread carefully with this one because real twin flames can still disagree and argue, but there’s a difference. If there are constant issues and no underlying bond to support you both through it – it’s not the real thing.

Real twin flames might disagree sometimes, but they always have this unending feeling of love between them. Even if they don’t currently like each other in the middle of an argument (it’s rare, but it happens) but they always love each other.

It can be difficult to tell what a false twin flame really feels because they tend to hide their emotions behind a wall of indifference and mystery. This lack of emotional openness can make it hard for both parties involved in the relationship, as neither one knows where they stand with the other nor how much effort should be invested into maintaining it going forward.

Bad Memories

If all memories associated with your partner are negative, then chances are high that this isn’t meant to last forever. Bad memories don’t necessarily mean a failed connection but rather serve as indicators that things aren’t working out between two people.

False twins often bring up painful memories from the past in order to keep you from moving forward and growing spiritually. They may constantly remind you of bad times and experiences that happened between the two of you, even if it was years ago. This is done in an effort to keep you stuck in your pain and unable to move on with your life.

They also use these memories as ammunition against you when arguments arise or when things don’t go their way. They will throw out accusations based on past events, even if they were wrong at the time or no longer relevant today. This tactic keeps them firmly rooted in control while keeping you off balance emotionally and mentally.

If all you remember are the overwhelming pile of problems then it’s probably a good sign this isn’t your real twin flame.

This doesn’t mean that you’ll never have a good (short-term) experience with twin flames. If these outweigh positive experiences, then perhaps reconsider whether continuing down this path is worth pursuing further.

They Take More Than They Give

A false twin flame will take more than they give back; while genuine relationships involve mutual support and understanding, those involving fake connections tend towards selfishness whereby one party takes advantage of another’s vulnerability without offering anything meaningful in return.

Recognize a false twin flame

You’re Not Your Best Self

A real connection with anyone positive will push you to be your best self. To make you want to be better.

With your real mirror soul this goes into hyperdrive. You’ll be empowered. Mentally, physically and spiritually. You’ll feel like you can take on world hunger and win. Maybe you can.

With a false twin flame, this won’t be the case.A real connection should allow both partners room for growth instead of stifling their potential by constantly bringing up past mistakes made by either side.

The Relationship is on Their Terms

This can manifest itself in many different ways. For example, if you bring up the idea of taking your relationship further or making plans for the future together, they might brush off your ideas as though it’s not something that interests them at all. Or maybe they’ll agree but then never follow through on their promises or make excuses why things can’t happen right now.

It could also show up as them always wanting things on their terms – such as only seeing each other when it suits them and canceling plans last minute without warning or explanation – while refusing any kind of compromise from your side.

Constant Validation

A true connection has this unending flow of feelings between them. This is pretty hard to compete with. For a karmic connection, you don’t have this and one partner requires constant validation from the other partner in order for them to feel secure within themselves or within the relationship itself.

When someone needs too much reassurance from their partner, it can create an imbalance where one person holds all of the power while leaving little room for growth or independence within each individual soul’s journey towards reunification with their true divine counterpart.


Your intuition will scream at you when a false twin flame enters your life. You might feel uneasy about them or even get a bad vibe when they’re around. Your body knows before your mind does, so pay attention to any warning signs that come up for you and trust what it’s telling you.

No Mutual Respect

While a real connection is always balanced and the respect between you is based on love, this certainly isn’t true for a false twin flame. You’ll feel like your time, feelings or opinions are not being heard and respected.

Fake Emotions

If your partner does express some kind of emotion towards you, but it seems forced or fake, then this could also be an indication that something isn’t quite right with the relationship. Fake emotions usually come from people who aren’t comfortable expressing themselves authentically and honestly – which would make it impossible for any real connection to form between the two of you.

It’s important to remember that if someone truly loves us, they will show us in many ways – both verbally and non-verbally – so if these expressions are missing from your relationship, then it’s likely not meant to last long-term. A false twin flame won’t have much interest in getting close enough emotionally for either person involved because they’re more focused on getting what they want out of the situation than actually forming a meaningful bond with another human being.

Closed to Spiritual Work

This one can be tricky because I don’t think all twin flames are as consciously open to spiritual practice as we think.

My own twin flame giggles during meditation sessions and has fallen asleep in yoga.

The difference? They respect my practice. They don’t mock or belittle my attempts to improve myself.

Old Wounds

Old wounds and past hurt is one of the main things keeping us back from union.

False twins may also try to manipulate situations by bringing up old wounds that never fully healed for either one of you – making it seem like they understand what happened better than anyone else – which isn’t always true. It’s important to remember that this type of behavior is designed only to ensure they stay in control over any situation; it has nothing whatsoever to do with healing anything between the two of you.

While painful and uncomfortable, this does serve a purpose for the bigger picture. A false twin flame will force you to face the uncomfortable things you would rather hide from in order to deal with them.


How Do You Know if It’s a False Twin Flame?

These signs are guidelines but, ultimately, it’s going to be up to you to figure out if they are truly a karmic connection sent to force you to confront things you need to face.

The lack of a spiritual connection can identify false twin flames. This is usually accompanied by feelings of unease, disconnection and detachment from one another.

False twin flames may also have an unbalanced power dynamic, where one partner has more control over the other or puts their own needs before those of their partner. Additionally, false twin flames often involve unhealthy patterns such as manipulation and possessiveness that are not present in true twin flame relationships. Ultimately, if the relationship does not feel right and lacks a deep spiritual connection, it is likely that it is a false twin flame.

Why Do We Meet False Twin Flames?

They’re sent to help us. It’s uncomfortable in the short term but sometimes I need something to jump start our healing process.

False twin flames are a reflection of our own inner issues and lessons we need to learn. They appear in our lives to help us understand what true love is, as well as the spiritual growth that comes with it.

False twin flames can also be a way for us to recognize the traits we want or don’t want in our ideal partner. By understanding why false twin flames come into our lives, we can better prepare ourselves for when the real one arrives.

How Do You Get Over a False Twin Flame?

The first step to getting over a false twin flame is to accept that the relationship was not meant to be. This can be harder than expected, but it’s important to recognize that this person was never your true twin flame and move on.

It’s also helpful to take time for self-reflection and healing, as well as engage in activities that bring you joy and peace of mind. Finally, it’s important to remember that there are many other potential soulmates out there who could bring even more love into your life than a false twin flame ever could.

The Important Bit

Remember that no matter who we meet along our spiritual path – whether they are our true divine counterparts or not – we must always remain open-minded yet discerning about what kind of energy we allow into our lives and hearts at all times. These false twin flame signs can help us spot when a connection has served its purpose.