
Are They the Other Half of Your Soul?

Take the twin flame test and not only can it help you understand the connection you share with someone it can awaken you to a whole new realm of potential.

If you've felt that feeling that something is missing in your life it isn't really that you're missing another person to make you whole.

It's that you're missing the other part of your own true self.



There is no journey like this.

There is no experience like this.

There is no greater path. No greater calling.

twin flames

The twin flame experience is more than a normal relationship.

It's a spiritual experience. A journey. A path to bettering yourself and everyone around you.

The fact it comes with the most mindshattering relationship is a plus.

New Here?

Lost on the journey? Not sure where to start?

Take the Test

Whether you have some specific in mind or you just know that... something is missing.

The test can unlock your path.


Knowledge will arm you on the twin flame journey.

Learn from my experience and that of others.

Start Here

The best way to further your own path (no matter where you currently are) is to understand. The more you understand the, the more you'll be able to see what's happening in your own experience and move things along.

A good starting point is understanding what a twin flame really is (not just using it as a blanket term for a relationship).

Twin Flame Stages: Path of Fire and Alchemy
The Power of Twin Flame Chakras
Twin Flame Friendship or ‘Friendzone’

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Twin Flame Numerology

Part of our tests, forecasts and coaching uses numerology.

There are an unlimited number of twin flame number patterns that the universe sends to guide us on our journey. If you're seeing these patterns show up on your journey, we can try and unpick their meaning and your guidance for reaching union.

369 for Twin Flames: Meeting, Separation & Union
321 for Twin Flames: Meeting, Separation & Union
411 for Twin Flames: Meeting, Separation & Union

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Twin Flame Animal Signs

We also look at other signs from the universe.

Twin flame animal signs are sent to bring specific messages to us. They can push us towards reunion, give us insight into the journey and warn us away from things that no longer serve the greater good.

Grey Feather Meaning for Twin Flames
Meaning of a Lizard for Twin Flames
Blue Jay Spiritual Meaning for Twin Flames

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Karmics & False Twin Flames

While most parts of the twin flame path are positive, the earlier stages can be full of doubt and questions. Is this real? Are you imagining the strength of the connection? And that's before we even get to false twin flames.

There's also a lot of misconception about what that actually means, however and while this type of connection isn't fun, it is important.

Twin Flames: When Yours Is Already Married
Twin Flames in Other Relationships (What to Do)
Kindred Spirit vs Twin Flame: An Important Difference

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Twin Flame Astrology

Another way to get insight into your path (both together and apart) is to use twin flame astrology. Contrary to popular belief, this means more than just getting compatibility and tell a real vs a false twin flame. It can help give guidance for how to move things along and we look at plantary movements for our collective forecasts.

Twin Flame Horoscope: 7th March 2024
Do Twin Flames Have Similar Birth Charts?
Cancer Twin Flame: Navigating Your Strengths

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Tarot for Twin Flames

Four of Wands Tarot Meaning for Twin Flames
World Tarot Meaning for Twin Flames
Mystery of the Lovers Tarot Meaning for Twin Flames

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Probably the most talked about stage (which is why it needs a section to itself) twin flame separation is one of the toughest, most misunderstood and (ultimately) one of the most useful parts of the twin flame path to union. But what is it, why does it happen, and how the heck can you get it over with?

Why Your Twin Flame Runner Might Stay Silent
Navigating the Twin Flame Separation
How Long Does Twin Flame Separation Last?

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